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Fundraising Made Easy for Your Organisation
Fundraising Tips - The Follow Up

Fundraising Tips - The Follow Up

The key to continued fundraising success is to follow-up afterwards: Supporters and participants need to be thanked and your results need to be shared!

Merchant contributors need to be debriefed on their results from participating. Records need to be gathered, copied, and stored.

Communicate the results to everyone involved.

Informing everyone who took part in your most recent fundraising is of utmost importance. Nothing charges up your organisation for the future better than a group celebration.

Give recognition to your volunteers. Enjoy the sound of "We did it!"

Conduct a post-mortem analysis of the fundraiser just completed.

Gather information and record impressions while everything is still fresh. Make notes about supplier relationships, any process problems, and what aspects need fine-tuning for the next time around.

Gather those recommendations for future fundraisers.

Brainstorm with your team and write down all the possible ways to improve. Circulate a written evaluation form to gather multiple viewpoints for the permanent file.

Make plans while everyone is still excited from this success.

Strategise how you can increase the number of volunteers. Plan to promote those who excelled this time around to positions with more authority and responsibility.

Ask your merchant supporters what you could do better to ensure their continued support of future fundraising campaigns.

In the long run, it's important to help them even more. Now is a good time to ask them for increased participation during your next big drive.

Review all records for completeness.

Work up the stats - how well did you do compared to your goal? That will save time in the future when you want to set your benchmarks.

Post the results on your website.

Let everyone see how well you did along with multiple pictures of your team in action. When describing your success, be a shameless namedropper! Everyone likes to be thanked publicly.

Most importantly, put the funds you've raised to good use.

Your fundraising follow-up is the foundation for your future success. Pave the way for even better results next time with this strategy!