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Fundraising Made Easy for Your Organisation
Fundraising Publicity Tips

Fundraising Publicity Tips

The success of your fundraiser depends on how much publicity your group can attract. Community awareness of your fundraising need and your fundraising offering will always increase your results.

Here are some fundraising publicity tips:

Publicity Tip #1 - Use your website
If you don't have one, get one. Use it to communicate your goals,thank your sponsors, highlight periodic offerings, recognise successes, honor individual contributors, etc.

Promote your web site on all your materials.

Publicity Tip #2 - Actively seek more publicity
Get the word out about your fundraiser in as many ways as possible. Get into as many neighborhood newsletters and other public forms of communication as you can.

Send out press releases to the local media and invite coverage with photo opps at your fun events.

Publicity Tip #3 - Utilise any gathering
Make announcements at other events to spread the word, display products, take orders, make sales, and recruit volunteers.

Take a joint venture approach to marketing your group by giving something of value back to all those who join your team.

Publicity Tip #4 - Goal awareness
Heavily promote the goal of your fundraiser in all communications, particularly between sellers and buyers. A good cause attracts more donations and sponsors.

Make sure that all participants know the specific reason why the money is being raised.

Publicity Tip #5 - Communication
Use all available means of increasing awareness of your group's efforts including roadside signs, e-mail lists, social media groups, newsletter, flyers, posters, community notice boards, etc.

Publicity Tip #6 - Sponsorship and donation thank you certificates
Provide these to supporting merchants. This "branding" gets the word out to the community that your organisation has a strong support base.

Publicity Tip #7 - Bumper stickers/car decals
Sell your organisation year round with every fundraiser by offering one that says "Proud Supporter of _____." Give one to every volunteer and group member.

Publicity Tip #8 - Flyers everywhere
Hit local mailboxes (follow postal regulations) and community noticeboards. Ask local retailers if they will display your flyer. Give fundraiser details in your flyer in a way that promotes sales and gives contact information.

Publicity Tip #9 - Build an e-mail list
Ask for an e-mail address for a newsletter distribution when you're fundraising. Have opt-in links on your web site.  Build an online community of supporters by offering them advertising on your site on promotion in your newsletter, emails etc.

Put your fundraising publicity plan in place today. You'll reap the benefits in continued growth and additional fundraising success for years to come.